SmallPowersResearchProjec7 de fev. de 20203 min de leituraTeixeira Basto’s views (1843-1924) views on Serbian independence (1881)Author: Frederico Benvinda PhD Student in Contemporary History at the Lisbon School of Arts and Humanities (FLUL) Researcher at the...
SmallPowersResearchProjec7 de fev. de 20202 min de leituraTeófilo Braga’s (1843-1924) views of Serbian independence (1877-1878)Author: Frederico Benvinda, MA PhD Student in Contemporary History at the Lisbon School of Arts and Humanities (FLUL) Researcher at the...
SmallPowersResearchProjec7 de fev. de 20204 min de leituraConsiglieri Pedroso’s position on Serbian independence (1874-1909)Author: Frederico Benvinda, MA PhD Student in Contemporary History at the Lisbon School of Arts and Humanities (FLUL) Researcher at the...
SmallPowersResearchProjec7 de fev. de 20203 min de leituraCarrilho Videira’s (1845-1905) position on Serbian independence (1877-1878)Author: Frederico Benvinda, MA PhD Student in Contemporary History at the Lisbon School of Arts and Humanities (FLUL) Resarcher at the...
SmallPowersResearchProjec7 de fev. de 20203 min de leituraPortuguese republican views on Serbian independence and the Balkans: an overview (1874-1908) - IntroAuthor: Frederico Benvinda, MA PhD Student in Contemporary History at the Lisbon School of Arts and Humanities (FLUL) Resarcher at the...
SmallPowersResearchProjec7 de fev. de 20204 min de leituraPortuguese perceptions on Serbia in the post-World War I: from the Peace Conference to the MemoranduAuthor: Soraia Milene Carvalho, MA PhD Student in Contemporary History at the Lisbon School of Arts and Humanities (FLUL) Researcher at...
SmallPowersResearchProjec7 de fev. de 20203 min de leituraJoão Chagas, World War One and Portuguese NeutralityAuthor: Professor António Paulo Duarte, PhD National Defence Institute and Institute of Contemporary History (Nova University) -...
SmallPowersResearchProjec21 de dez. de 20181 min de leituraOur events from 2018Below you will find a list of all the events our researchers organized and were present in during all of 2018, both in Portugal and in...